We are an independent bed bug inspection company, NOT a pest control company.
Checklist for K9 inspections
PLEASE secure any pets to a backyard or washroom.
Our dogs DO NOT interact with other dogs and are not to be touched.
Please ensure all fans (air conditioners, forced air heating, ventilation fans, kitchen, stove and bathroom fans, plus computer fans) are turned off and all windows and doors remain closed for an hour or more.
Please pull all furniture away from the walls.
Any boxes, books or suitcases stacked against the wall must also be moved (bugs like to hide there).
Additional Information
The closer we can get to the bugs or eggs the more effective the search. It is very difficult to search when there is hoarding or clutter. This prevents the dog from getting within an optimal scent range.
When we arrive for our scheduled appointment, we will first conduct a site survey. We are looking for any distractions that may interfere or harm the dog, like dangling wires, household cleaners, toxic chemicals, pest control products, precarious furnishings, etc., as well as planning the best route for our K9 search and inspection.
We will also be checking the natural air currents where scent could be disturbed, e.g., bathroom vents, chimneys, windows, doors, etc.
If the dog alerts, we will do an immediate additional visual inspection for signs of bed bugs or viable eggs. If no immediate evidence of live bed bugs and/or viable eggs are uncovered, the area will be marked for a more in-depth examination later, and we will continue with the rest of the K9 search.
After a thorough K9 search of the target area the dog will be taken off the premises to rest. We will then return to verify the alert(s) through physical examination of the areas indicated.
A concerted effort to confirm physical evidence of bed bugs will commence, e.g. examining furniture, removing switch plate covers etc. Searching for live bed bugs, eggs, fecal stains and/or cast skins, or what we affectionately refer to as... “show me the bugs”.
After the entire area has been searched, we will provide a short verbal review on site of the inspection and answer any questions. A written report will be provided within 24 hours.